The Mindful Habit® Verified Reviews and Testimonials

Craig Perra, J.D., C.P.C., C.M.H.C.

Founder, The Mindful Habit® System


Transparency is very important to us, That’s why every single client that we work with is automatically given an opportunity to review The Mindful Habit® System and me publicly. Since clients aren’t sharing their successes on social media because of their need for privacy, we’ve partnered with review site This partnership gives clients an opportunity to provide feedback and share their successes without revealing their identity.

Trustpilot also has security features to make sure I’m not making these testimonials up. People do that. I don’t. These testimonials are real and I’m beyond proud of what we’ve accomplished together.

Read them. See if you connect with these men, their spouses, and their journey. You can read all 200+ client testimonials on Trustpilot’s website here.

Craig Perra, C.P.C., J.D.Founder/Owner,
The Mindful Habit® System

Craig Perra, J.D., C.P.C., C.M.H.C.

Founder, The Mindful Habit® System


Transparency is very important to us, That’s why every single client that we work with is automatically given an opportunity to review The Mindful Habit® System and me publicly. Since clients aren’t sharing their successes on social media because of their need for privacy, we’ve partnered with review site This partnership gives clients an opportunity to provide feedback and share their successes without revealing their identity.

Trustpilot also has security features to make sure I’m not making these testimonials up. People do that. I don’t. These testimonials are real and I’m beyond proud of what we’ve accomplished together.

Read them. See if you connect with these men, their spouses, and their journey. You can read all 200+ client testimonials on Trustpilot’s website here.

Craig Perra, C.P.C., J.D.Founder/Owner,
The Mindful Habit® System

The testimonials below are from clients that I worked with before my partnership with Trustpilot. These also are from real men and their spouses that I personally worked with.

Craig Perra, C.P.C., J.D.

Founder/Owner, The Mindful Habit® System

Craig understands what it’s like because he’s been there. He offers the tools that will change your life by changing your mind.

Taking this course has allowed me to create a structured plan to fall back on when I’m struggling but more importantly it’s pushed me to create positive habits by pursuing great things.

Craig offers a “no nonsense” approach and gets right to the root of the problem- habits. Understanding how habits work allows you to change and create new ones.

Joe N.

Professional Athlete

I have seen a dramatic change in my perspective on life, an increased sense of self worth, and an overall healthier lifestyle.

When I started working with Craig, I was battling years of compulsive sexual habits. Preventing myself from falling back into old habits was a daily struggle despite seeing a sex therapist.

Craig taught me a series of tools that allowed me to control unhealthy sexual urges, and channel that energy into more positive outlets.

Craig was a valuable resource toward improving the quality of my life and my relationships.

John C.

Commercial Airline Pilot

Working on a weekly basis with Craig has allowed me to build an amazing foundation and set of tools to live the life I want to live.

Being accountable on a weekly basis over the past few months has been key. I have tried to change my behavior for over a decade with failure after failure.

The difference this time is I feel like I’m moving toward a new life rather than slipping back to the old. I did that countless times.

If you are fortunate enough to get to this site and want to change you have found a great program to assist you.

Michael T.


Craig was a amazing coach and friend when I needed it the most. I had struggled with internet and porn addiction for many years.

Step by step Craig showed me awesome techniques to finally beat my addiction.

He also, helped me with so many other areas of my life. I will be ever thankful for him.

Craig showed me the power of choice!

Mark L.


I can’t speak highly enough about Craig and the work he has done with me. He has created a wonderful program based on the latest science and refined with years of experience.

I spent the better part of a year trying to build a program myself and finally found success when I reached out to Craig.

I am at a great point in my life personally as well as with my wife and continue to push that forward.

I thank God for pointing me in the direction of Craig. If you are struggling, do yourself a favor and call him!

Tom L.

Business Owner

Measuring progress is pivotal to recovery, and this course might do it better than any I’ve seen. At any point, you can ask yourself “how am I doing in this area” and you should be able to give a specific answer. Track your triggers for 7 days and write em down, make a shi! list and an opportunity list now and get to work etc.

The course is designed so that you are constantly taking action and not just speaking vaguely about recovery theories and things that you “should” do if you can. When you finish a video, you are seriously motivated to do something right then and there.

Craig really kicks your butt and forces you to get stuff done. I appreciated the parts where he notes all of the “excuses” and immediately dismisses them (at one point, regarding the resistance people may have to using the phone, he says “bullshi!, just call.”)

Hearing Craig speak is very encouraging and matter of fact, and it resonated with me.

No scientific jargon (i.e. “orbital prefrontal cortex is impaired”) and easy to understand. I can still recite many of the sayings (to break a habit you have to make a habit, trigger thought action, the cure is the aggressive pursuit of a great life etc.).

Sometimes it is as simple as asking “what do I really want in life, and will this action bring me closer or further from that goal?”

The whole “action” section really hits home. The module on objectifying and oogling was really helpful, and something I haven’t seen addressed very well elsewhere. The exercise in which you “notice” the world around you instead of only looking at body parts was a real eye-opener. The strategic plan and tactical plan also made a ton of sense and really keep you on the right track. I periodically look over them and try to honestly ask whether or not I am staying on course.

Mark L.

Graduate Student

This course is simply great. I know how porn use was destroying my life. I used to cancel important social events and friendly hangouts just to stay home and watch porn.

But now things have changed.

I have only completed the awareness phase and now I see drastic changes in my life. I have just got a scholarship from the French embassy to represent my country in the upcoming climate conference in Paris.

My grades are getting better. I also plan to take up learning Mandarin. In short, Life is great.

And I have Craig to thank for it.

Zihad H.

Financial Planner

I strongly recommend this program to anyone who suffers from sex addiction to contact Coach Craig. There are many magic tools and techniques that he taught me.

[His program] is not only good to get out from sex addiction but to improve all aspect of your life, it’s just great.

And in a short period of time my life has been changed dramatically, and now seriously, I feel the peace and calm inside me that I never knew existed.

I feel like this program is not only for the sex addict, it’s working for anybody who want to change their life and go forward.

Adrian T.


I’ve had over 20 years of this shit, with only 1 small window of light in the middle – The Mindful Habit is the only thing that has ever made any concrete sense, and now I see the real light at the end of a fucking heinous tunnel.

Grateful to you also for not treating me like a victim, an idiot or a patient and for actually really listening to my story. Your down to earth, real approach is refreshing and so validating that it’s encouraging the whole process.

So I’ll just have to say it three times, thank you thank you thank you !!

I have a renewed vigilance, not just to overcome my sexual trauma and compulsive behavior, but to succeed at life in all facets.

Thank God for you, your family and The Mindful Habit.

Peter R.

Tech Entrepreneur

Craig, for the first time in 40 years, I’m actually proud of myself and I have you to thank.

Robert L.


Porn, chat, exposing myself, going deeper into my own personal hell… “There’s no way this will work. I’m too far gone. Nothing else has worked, why even try?” Lies I told myself.

From that anxious person to seeing the beauty in life without shame and guilt!

Thank you Craig for helping me WAKE UP and live life again! For helping me discover the essence of who I am through CHOICE! And for saving my marriage!!!!

Allen R.

Professional Farmer/Owner

From my first session with Craig I knew I was about to embark on something special.

Craig will make you squirm and he will shake you up and wake you up and really by shear force expose you to this part of yourself. He will squeeze that part out of you and bring it to light, the part of you that knows what to do.

As you work on your recovery you will start to see that your acting out (PMO Porn Masturbation Orgasm) is linked to every aspect of your life. You may not see that now but you’re using pornography and masturbating compulsively is influencing your whole life.

After only a few days of working with Craig I started noticing bizarre connections I had never seen before.

Craig has a presence that really forces you to acknowledge these connections and whether you like it or not you are going to see them.

Robert M.

Licensed Counselor

If you are wondering if you should join Craig’s [program] just know there are few things as powerful as the support of your fellow men in this journey of recovery.

In only three weeks I have made more progress than in the last year of constant work. Besides the community support the content and leadership from Craig is rock solid – highly practical, well organized and passionate.

Get it done – sign up and change your life for the better.

Jason M.

Professional Musician

This feels life-changing to me. I’ve never talked to anyone about my feelings and issues before and the positive feelings and connections I’m making with my brothers are strengthening my resolve for change.

It’s good to know you’re not alone in the world, and it’s awesome to receive encouragement from people in the know.

Craig is a fantastic motivator for us to get our sex on straight. This is about ACTION, brothers!

Mark N.


Craig Perra, an amazing coach who awakens your core, enables you to transform habits so that you might live again.

I know I was a frantic, paranoid being with darkness looming over me when I gave Craig a call.

It wasn’t easy, but well worth the time invested to learn the triggers, tools and tenacity to recognize and rebuild myself, this awakened artist with dreams, ambitions and a respect for myself.

So short is this life, so many OTHER things are out there to take part of, to create and to do! Thanks Craig for renewing this thirst for life in me!

Thomas T.

Computer Engineer

I loved your program. The concept of mindfulness was something I was already bringing into my life through meditation and a greater focus on spirituality, but with your guidance I was able to turn this concept towards my recovery from compulsive sexual behaviour and pursue the life I truly want to live.

I got a lot out of it. Your videos were inspiring, motivational, and empowering. Your words have truly helped me embrace my power of choice and recognize where my failures have been in the past.

Using the Mindful Habit modality, I have gone 4 weeks without watching porn. 4 weeks! That is huge for me!

I had tried therapy. I had tried 12 step programs. Your program was the biggest help. I still have the text documents from your program and I will continue to use them as a guide for a better life.

Chris G.


The testimonials below are from clients that I worked with before my partnership with Trustpilot. These also are from real men and their spouses that I personally worked with.

Craig Perra, C.P.C., J.D.

Founder/Owner, The Mindful Habit® System

Craig understands what it’s like because he’s been there. He offers the tools that will change your life by changing your mind.

Taking this course has allowed me to create a structured plan to fall back on when I’m struggling but more importantly it’s pushed me to create positive habits by pursuing great things.

Craig offers a “no nonsense” approach and gets right to the root of the problem- habits. Understanding how habits work allows you to change and create new ones.

Joe N.

Professional Athlete

I have seen a dramatic change in my perspective on life, an increased sense of self worth, and an overall healthier lifestyle.

When I started working with Craig, I was battling years of compulsive sexual habits. Preventing myself from falling back into old habits was a daily struggle despite seeing a sex therapist.

Craig taught me a series of tools that allowed me to control unhealthy sexual urges, and channel that energy into more positive outlets.

Craig was a valuable resource toward improving the quality of my life and my relationships.

John C.

Commercial Airline Pilot

Working on a weekly basis with Craig has allowed me to build an amazing foundation and set of tools to live the life I want to live.

Being accountable on a weekly basis over the past few months has been key. I have tried to change my behavior for over a decade with failure after failure.

The difference this time is I feel like I’m moving toward a new life rather than slipping back to the old. I did that countless times.

If you are fortunate enough to get to this site and want to change you have found a great program to assist you.

Michael T.


Craig was a amazing coach and friend when I needed it the most. I had struggled with internet and porn addiction for many years.

Step by step Craig showed me awesome techniques to finally beat my addiction.

He also, helped me with so many other areas of my life. I will be ever thankful for him.

Craig showed me the power of choice!

Mark L.


I can’t speak highly enough about Craig and the work he has done with me. He has created a wonderful program based on the latest science and refined with years of experience.

I spent the better part of a year trying to build a program myself and finally found success when I reached out to Craig.

I am at a great point in my life personally as well as with my wife and continue to push that forward.

I thank God for pointing me in the direction of Craig. If you are struggling, do yourself a favor and call him!

Tom L.

Business Owner

Measuring progress is pivotal to recovery, and this course might do it better than any I’ve seen. At any point, you can ask yourself “how am I doing in this area” and you should be able to give a specific answer. Track your triggers for 7 days and write em down, make a shi! list and an opportunity list now and get to work etc.

The course is designed so that you are constantly taking action and not just speaking vaguely about recovery theories and things that you “should” do if you can. When you finish a video, you are seriously motivated to do something right then and there.

Craig really kicks your butt and forces you to get stuff done. I appreciated the parts where he notes all of the “excuses” and immediately dismisses them (at one point, regarding the resistance people may have to using the phone, he says “bullshi!, just call.”)

Hearing Craig speak is very encouraging and matter of fact, and it resonated with me.

No scientific jargon (i.e. “orbital prefrontal cortex is impaired”) and easy to understand. I can still recite many of the sayings (to break a habit you have to make a habit, trigger thought action, the cure is the aggressive pursuit of a great life etc.).

Sometimes it is as simple as asking “what do I really want in life, and will this action bring me closer or further from that goal?”

The whole “action” section really hits home. The module on objectifying and oogling was really helpful, and something I haven’t seen addressed very well elsewhere. The exercise in which you “notice” the world around you instead of only looking at body parts was a real eye-opener. The strategic plan and tactical plan also made a ton of sense and really keep you on the right track. I periodically look over them and try to honestly ask whether or not I am staying on course.

Mark L.

Graduate Student

This course is simply great. I know how porn use was destroying my life. I used to cancel important social events and friendly hangouts just to stay home and watch porn.

But now things have changed.

I have only completed the awareness phase and now I see drastic changes in my life. I have just got a scholarship from the French embassy to represent my country in the upcoming climate conference in Paris.

My grades are getting better. I also plan to take up learning Mandarin. In short, Life is great.

And I have Craig to thank for it.

Zihad H.

Financial Planner

I strongly recommend this program to anyone who suffers from sex addiction to contact Coach Craig. There are many magic tools and techniques that he taught me.

[His program] is not only good to get out from sex addiction but to improve all aspect of your life, it’s just great.

And in a short period of time my life has been changed dramatically, and now seriously, I feel the peace and calm inside me that I never knew existed.

I feel like this program is not only for the sex addict, it’s working for anybody who want to change their life and go forward.

Adrian T.


I’ve had over 20 years of this shit, with only 1 small window of light in the middle – The Mindful Habit is the only thing that has ever made any concrete sense, and now I see the real light at the end of a fucking heinous tunnel.

Grateful to you also for not treating me like a victim, an idiot or a patient and for actually really listening to my story. Your down to earth, real approach is refreshing and so validating that it’s encouraging the whole process.

So I’ll just have to say it three times, thank you thank you thank you !!

I have a renewed vigilance, not just to overcome my sexual trauma and compulsive behavior, but to succeed at life in all facets.

Thank God for you, your family and The Mindful Habit.

Peter R.

Tech Entrepreneur

Craig, for the first time in 40 years, I’m actually proud of myself and I have you to thank.

Robert L.


Porn, chat, exposing myself, going deeper into my own personal hell… “There’s no way this will work. I’m too far gone. Nothing else has worked, why even try?” Lies I told myself.

From that anxious person to seeing the beauty in life without shame and guilt!

Thank you Craig for helping me WAKE UP and live life again! For helping me discover the essence of who I am through CHOICE! And for saving my marriage!!!!

Allen R.

Professional Farmer/Owner

From my first session with Craig I knew I was about to embark on something special.

Craig will make you squirm and he will shake you up and wake you up and really by shear force expose you to this part of yourself. He will squeeze that part out of you and bring it to light, the part of you that knows what to do.

As you work on your recovery you will start to see that your acting out (PMO Porn Masturbation Orgasm) is linked to every aspect of your life. You may not see that now but you’re using pornography and masturbating compulsively is influencing your whole life.

After only a few days of working with Craig I started noticing bizarre connections I had never seen before.

Craig has a presence that really forces you to acknowledge these connections and whether you like it or not you are going to see them.

Robert M.

Licensed Counselor

If you are wondering if you should join Craig’s [program] just know there are few things as powerful as the support of your fellow men in this journey of recovery.

In only three weeks I have made more progress than in the last year of constant work. Besides the community support the content and leadership from Craig is rock solid – highly practical, well organized and passionate.

Get it done – sign up and change your life for the better.

Jason M.

Professional Musician

This feels life-changing to me. I’ve never talked to anyone about my feelings and issues before and the positive feelings and connections I’m making with my brothers are strengthening my resolve for change.

It’s good to know you’re not alone in the world, and it’s awesome to receive encouragement from people in the know.

Craig is a fantastic motivator for us to get our sex on straight. This is about ACTION, brothers!

Mark N.


Craig Perra, an amazing coach who awakens your core, enables you to transform habits so that you might live again.

I know I was a frantic, paranoid being with darkness looming over me when I gave Craig a call.

It wasn’t easy, but well worth the time invested to learn the triggers, tools and tenacity to recognize and rebuild myself, this awakened artist with dreams, ambitions and a respect for myself.

So short is this life, so many OTHER things are out there to take part of, to create and to do! Thanks Craig for renewing this thirst for life in me!

Thomas T.

Computer Engineer

I loved your program. The concept of mindfulness was something I was already bringing into my life through meditation and a greater focus on spirituality, but with your guidance I was able to turn this concept towards my recovery from compulsive sexual behaviour and pursue the life I truly want to live.

I got a lot out of it. Your videos were inspiring, motivational, and empowering. Your words have truly helped me embrace my power of choice and recognize where my failures have been in the past.

Using the Mindful Habit modality, I have gone 4 weeks without watching porn. 4 weeks! That is huge for me!

I had tried therapy. I had tried 12 step programs. Your program was the biggest help. I still have the text documents from your program and I will continue to use them as a guide for a better life.

Chris G.


Get Started Literally Right NOW

Sign up below to get my #, more info about programs, and link to schedule a free consultation. I talk to everyone before joining up so we need to talk.

  • Take Action

  • Get Results

  • Create Healthy Sexuality

  • Save Your Relationship

  • Build a Great Life

  • Exceed Your Potential

Why You Must Master Your Habits

My work with habits is revolutionary. It’s changing lives, and in this video I explain why this is a critical skill you must master if you want to be successful in your struggle against compulsive sexual behavior.

Master The Habit Cycle

In this 30 minute video I teach you how to master the habit cycle and how you can use it to break free of your porn addiction and sex addiction. We are creatures of habit and in this video I share a powerful tool to help you break free.

Grown Men and Teen Porn

In this video I talk about the most popular genre of pornography on the web – teen porn – and it’s impact on grown men and why it’s harmful. Sexualizing young girls is unhealthy and I explain why.

Am I Addicted? Why It's The Wrong Question

I get this question all the time – Am I addicted? In this video I explain why this often is the wrong question because it takes the focus off the impact it’s having on your life.

Craig on The Katie Couric Show

Michelle and I share our powerful journey of how we survived and thrived from Craig’s compulsive sexual behavior and how we used the worst thing to ever happen to us to change lives – including our own!

Craig's Interview with Ex-Porn Star Jessie Rogers

In this powerful interview, ex-porn junkie Craig Perra interviews ex-porn star Jessie Rogers about how porn impacted her life and she has a special message for porn addicts.



Backed by over 200 verified 4 & 5 star reviews AND a 30-day 100% money back guarantee!

(877)-821-2940 We’re here for you 7 days a week:

Copyright © 2023 The Mindful Habit

Why You Must Master Your Habits

My work with habits is revolutionary. It’s changing lives, and in this video I explain why this is a critical skill you must master if you want to be successful in your struggle against compulsive sexual behavior.

Master The Habit Cycle

In this 30 minute video I teach you how to master the habit cycle and how you can use it to break free of your porn addiction and sex addiction. We are creatures of habit and in this video I share a powerful tool to help you break free.

Grown Men and Teen Porn

In this video I talk about the most popular genre of pornography on the web – teen porn – and it’s impact on grown men and why it’s harmful. Sexualizing young girls is unhealthy and I explain why.

Am I Addicted? Why It's The Wrong Question

I get this question all the time – Am I addicted? In this video I explain why this often is the wrong question because it takes the focus off the impact it’s having on your life.

Craig on The Katie Couric Show

Michelle and I share our powerful journey of how we survived and thrived from Craig’s compulsive sexual behavior and how we used the worst thing to ever happen to us to change lives – including our own!

Craig's Interview with Ex-Porn Star Jessie Rogers

In this powerful interview, ex-porn junkie Craig Perra interviews ex-porn star Jessie Rogers about how porn impacted her life and she has a special message for porn addicts.



Backed by over 200 verified 4 & 5 star reviews AND a 30-day 100% money back guarantee!

We’re here for you 7 days a week:

Copyright © 2023 The Mindful Habit

Craig and Michelle Perra aren’t just experts in theory, they’ve lived this experience through and through. With Craig’s video series and Michelle’s Partner’s Survival Guide, every couple experiencing the challenge of porn or sex addiction can overcome this and take the steps down a new path.

The Mindful Habit System Is A Structured, Science Based Attack On Your Sex & Porn Addiction. You Will Learn:

Increased Self Control

Habits rule your life. Learn how to interrupt your habit cycle and respond to triggers in a healthy way so you have control in all areas of your life.

Higher EQ

You are a slave to your past. Quickly elevate your emotional intelligence (EQ) by diving deep into the patterns collected in childhood that drive behaviors today.

Your Unmet Needs

All your negative behaviors are a function of your unmet needs. Learn how your addiction is meeting these needs to get these needs met in a healthy way.

Create Healthy Sexuality

Your sexual energy is powerful. Embrace this power and build sexually healthy belief systems and actions to enhance your life in a powerful way.

Sustainable Results

Avoid the relapse trap. Learn to create sustainable results so you can manage life’s inevitable challenges and create a system that drives long term success.

Non 12-Step Approach

The disease based addiction model doesn’t work for most people. Instead of treating the symptoms, treat the root cause of your addiction to create life altering change.

Tools to Succeed

Learning about stuff is not enough. Master critical “life-hacking” tools to effectively respond to triggers, failures, challenges,. sexual desire, and negative self-talk.

Massive Life Changes

The cure is the aggressive pursuit of a great life. Learn step by step how to cure your sex and porn addiction by aggressively pursuing a great life.


Success doesn’t happen overnight, but it doesn’t happen with zero effort either. Craig has personally experienced the mindset you’re struggling with, and he’s living proof that turning your life around begins with the first step.

Craig Perra’s 12-Week Core Training Recovery Program lets you take your first step from the comfort of your own home, with the freedom of accessing his insights on all your devices. For those of you who need more time than 12 weeks, we give you a full 16 weeks to complete this program.

Verified Client Reviews

Not Only Experts, But Men All Over The World Recommend The Mindful Habit System


35+ Video Lessons

The same lessons I teach my one on one clients to teach you the skills you need to be successful.

Digital Workbook

The same workbook my one on one clients use to guide them through the program.

Weekly Webinar Q&A

Weekly webinars with Mindful Habit Coaches to keep you on track and staying on the path to success in your journey.

Partner’s Guide

Michelle Perra’s captivating Partner’s Survival Guide is an absolute must forstruggling couples.

Step-by-Step Path

Step by step instructions to guide you through the program with ease so you never wonder what to do next.

40 Exercises

Learn how to specifically incorporate the lessons into your life so you get results.

Sometimes you need to take a drastic turn to continue your journey, but you don’t need to take that turn blindly. Craig Perra has lead thousands of people, just like you, toward a more mindful life and a happier mindset. Join today for our 12-Week Program and get 16 weeks membership to complete the program.