
Are you ready to stop
the porn & sex habits that fill you with shame?

Get control of your sex &
Porn addiction with a system
that actually gets results (entirely from home).

We guarantee 100% privacy.

Your information will not be shared.

Call Us Now - (877)-821-2940

Are you ready to stop

the porn & sex habits

that fill you with shame?

Get control of your sex &

Porn addiction with a system that actually gets results

(entirely from home).

We guarantee 100% privacy.

Your information will not be shared.

You CAN Break Free!

To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Craig Perra and 13 years ago my addiction was consuming all my time and energy. I was out of control.

We all know what I’m talking about…

I would hide from my wife and kids in the bathroom, lock the door, open up my internet browser on incognito, and proceed to break the promise I made to myself to quit.

Because of my uncontrollable desires, I ended up being fired from 2 six-figure jobs.

Worst of all, I nearly lost my wife and children.

My descent to the very bottom of the pit that I would call rock bottom is what forced me to question the typical recovery programs that had done nothing for me and my goals.

Despite these so-called recovery programs, I always slid right back into my former habits and behaviors, which I had not replaced with anything meaningful.

Every time I slipped back into these patterns I hit a new low that was worse than the one before.

The amount of shame I felt was so overwhelming that I actually made an attempt to take my own life.

It took a lot of time, introspection, counseling, and drawing hard lines in the sand to break free from this shameful habit, but making the decision to quit for good was one of the best choices I ever made.

I saved my life, my family, and found my purpose.

When I saw how much my life improved, I knew I had to show other men how to do the exact same thing so they could take back control over their life.

After seeing thousands of men all over the world break free from the shackles of this shameful addiction, I’m proud to say that we’ve figured out a science-based system that allows anyone to kick the habit to the curb for good.

In fact, this system is so effective that I’ve even been featured on The Steve Harvey Show, The Katie Couric Show, and Lifetime TV.

Now I say that this can work for anyone, but that’s only if you are willing to do some work.

We’re so confident that we can help you reclaim control and create healthy sexuality, that we GUARANTEE results with a 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee.

Look, you can break free.

But that’s only if you’re willing to say yes to this one question...

Are you ready to take massive action?

We guarantee 100% privacy. Your information

will not be shared.

You CAN Break Free!

To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Craig Perra and 13 years ago my addiction was consuming all my time and energy.I was out of control.

We all know what I’m talking about…

I would hide from my wife and kids in the bathroom, lock the door, open up my internet browser on incognito, and proceed to break the promise I made to myself to quit.

Because of my uncontrollable desires, I ended up being fired from 2 six-figure jobs.

Worst of all, I nearly lost my wife and children.

My descent to the very bottom of the pit that I would call rock bottom is what forced me to question the typical recovery programs that had done nothing for me and my goals.

Despite these so-called recovery programs, I always slid right back into my former habits and behaviors, which I had not replaced with anything


Every time I slipped back into these patterns I hit a new low that was worse than

the one before.

The amount of shame I felt was so overwhelming that I actually made an attempt to take my own life.

It took a lot of time, introspection, counseling, and drawing hard lines in the sand to break free from this shameful habit, but making the decision to quit for good was one of the best choices I ever made.

I saved my life, my family, and found my purpose.

When I saw how much my life improved, I knew I had to show other men how to do the exact same thing so they could take back control over their life.

After seeing thousands of men all over the world break free from the shackles of this shameful addiction, I’m proud to say that we’ve figured out a science-based system that allows anyone to kick the habit to the curb for good.

In fact, this system is so effective that I’ve even been featured on The Steve Harvey Show, The Katie Couric Show, and Lifetime TV.

Now I say that this can work for anyone, but that’s only if you are willing to do some work.

We’re so confident that we can help you reclaim control and create healthy sexuality, that we GUARANTEE results with a 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee

Look, you can break free.

But that’s only if you’re willing to say yes to this one question...

Are you ready to take massive action?

We guarantee 100% privacy. Your information

will not be shared.

Is this Consuming Your Life And Do You Need Intensive, Urgent Intervention?

  • Are you ashamed of patterns of behavior that feel out of control or unhealthy?

  • Is porn & sex now your go-to method of numbing out, coping with hard moments, and escaping?

  • Are you saying yes to certain compulsions when you want to say no?

  • Do you find yourself taking part in the porn & sex at work?

  • Is this habit affecting your career, finances, or relationships?

  • Does compulsion stand in the way of you reaching your full potential?

  • Is your behavior incongruent with the man whom you wish to be?

  • Do you engage in risky erotic behaviors?

  • Do you feel you need to “get off” before you can function in the real world?

  • Are you secretive about your sexual behaviors, especially with your partner?

  • Is it harder and harder to hide what you're doing?

If You Answered Yes To Any Of These Questions, It’s Time To Take Control Of Your Life.

We guarantee 100% privacy. Your information

will not be shared.

Is this Consuming

Your Life And Do You

Need Intensive,

Urgent Intervention?

  • Are you ashamed of patterns of behavior that feel out of control or unhealthy?

  • Is porn & sex now your go-to method of numbing out, coping with hard moments, and escaping?

  • Are you saying yes to certain compulsions when you want to say no?

  • Do you find yourself taking part in the porn & sex at work?

  • Is this habit affecting your career, finances, or relationships?

  • Does compulsion stand in the way of you reaching your full potential?

  • Is your behavior incongruent with the man whom you wish to be?

  • Do you engage in risky erotic behaviors?

  • Do you feel you need to “get off” before you can function in the real world?

  • Are you secretive about your sexual behaviors, especially with your partner?

  • Is it harder and harder to hide what you're doing?

If You Answered Yes To Any

Of These Questions, It’s Time

To Take Control Of Your Life.

We guarantee 100% privacy. Your information

will not be shared.

Imagine What Life Would Be Like If You…

  • Had complete control over your desires

  • Made promises to yourself that you kept

  • Experienced a life without having to hide or feel shameful

  • Learned valuable tools to save your relationship

  • Could be the better man you truly want to be

  • Develop a system that empowers you to create long-term, sustainable results

  • Get incredible support to make sure you don’t default to old habits

  • Were surrounded by a community of other men who face the same challenges that you are going through and hold you accountable

Imagine What Life

Would Be Like If You…

  • Had complete control over your desires

  • Made promises to yourself that you kept

  • Experienced a life without having to hide or feel shameful

  • Learned valuable tools to save your relationship

  • Could be the better man you truly want to be

  • Develop a system that empowers you to create long-term, sustainable results

  • Get incredible support to make sure you don’t default to old habits

  • Were surrounded by a community of other men who face the same challenges that you are going through and hold you accountable

If That’s What You Want From Your Life, You’re A Perfect Fit For…

The Mindful Habit® System

When I first started my journey to breaking free from my porn and sex addiction, I tried the traditional routes that were suggested to me.

But what I found is that traditional 12-Step programs and conventional therapy simply did not work.

I was told that the answer to getting my life on the right track was to sit with a group of strangers multiple days a week and tell them I was afflicted with a disease over which I was powerless.

I then needed to declare my need to surrender and turn my life over to a higher power.

I couldn’t accept the insanity of that approach; if you feel the same way, then you’re in the right place.

This 12-Step model is outdated, slow, antiquated, and inefficient.

And that’s exactly why I was determined to come up with a better way to take control of my life, which is why I created The Mindful Habit® System

We guarantee 100% privacy. Your information

will not be shared.

If That’s What You Want From Your Life,

You’re A Perfect Fit For…

The Mindful
Habit® System

When I first started my journey to breaking free from my porn and sex addiction, I tried the traditional routes that were suggested to me.

But what I found is that traditional 12-Step programs and conventional therapy simply did not work.

I was told that the answer to getting my life on the right track was to sit with a group of strangers multiple days a week and tell them I was afflicted with a disease over which I was powerless.

I then needed to declare my need to surrender and turn my life over to a higher power.

I couldn’t accept the insanity of that approach; if you feel the same way, then you’re in the right place.

This 12-Step model is outdated, slow, antiquated, and inefficient.

And that’s exactly why I was determined to come up with a better way to take control of my life, which is why I created The Mindful Habit® System

We guarantee 100% privacy.
Your information will not be shared.

Clients have said that three weeks with me were more powerful than years of therapy

Clients have said that

three weeks with me

were more powerful

than years of therapy

I’m here to tell you that healing doesn’t have to take years.

The Mindful Habit® System represents an evolution in the way we’re able to break free from the negative habits that control us.

Step by step, week by week, it’ll lead you to control your urges and channel them into creating powerful new habits so you finally realize and embrace your true potential as a man.

I’m here to tell you that healing

doesn’t have to take years.

The Mindful Habit® System

represents an evolution in the way

we’re able to break free from the

negative habits that control us.

Step by step, week by week, it’ll

lead you to control your urges and

channel them into creating

powerful new habits so you finally

realize and embrace your true

potential as a man.


Step by Step Pathway to FREEDOM

The Mindful Habit System is modeled after the same program I teach to high-profile/executive/professional/celebrity clients that I work with one-on-one.

Men pay over $10,000 to work with me one-on-one over the phone and Skype and $20,000 to work with me in person.

However, I’m going to teach you the exact system I use to repeatedly deliver incredible results without you paying such a hefty fee.

Using world-class learning management principles, The Mindful Habit® System is a foundational behavior modification system.

It leverages the achievement of discrete learning objectives to drive behavior change.

35+ Life Changing Videos To Help You

Get And Keep Your Freedom

Instead of one on one, we use technology to deliver the powerful teachings and techniques that you will use to change your life.

You get over 35+ high-quality inspirational, motivational, and action-oriented videos containing the complete Mindful Habit System.

These videos are accompanied with text summaries and exercises so that you can develop the structure back to freedom that is sustainable.


Step by Step Pathway to FREEDOM

The Mindful Habit System is modeled after the same program I teach to high-profile/executive/professional/celebrity clients that I work with one-on-one.

Men pay over $10,000 to work with me one-on-one over the phone and Skype and $20,000 to work with me in person.

However, I’m going to teach you the exact system I use to repeatedly deliver incredible results without you paying such a hefty fee.

Using world-class learning management principles, The Mindful Habit® System is a foundational behavior modification system.

35+ Life Changing Videos To Help You Get And Keep Your Freedom

Instead of one on one, we use technology to deliver the powerful teachings and techniques that you will use to change your life.

You get over 35+ high-quality inspirational, motivational, and action-oriented videos containing the complete Mindful Habit System.

These videos are accompanied with text summaries and exercises so that you can develop the structure back to freedom that is sustainable.

175 Page Workbook For When Things Get Tough And You’re About To Slip

To drive home the powerful learning objectives, you receive a digital copy of my 175-page workbook, the same one I send to my one on one clients.

The workbook contains a summary of the key points of each lesson and over 40 real-life exercises that you will perform to ensure that you are using the teachings to actually create change in your life.



My team and I am going to guide you step-by-step through your recovery and beyond.

I’m going to answer your personal questions and help you create and manage your own personal recovery program – I’m going to coach you – and so are the other members of my team.

Not just me, but Certified Mindful Habit® Coaches Adrian, George, Michelle and Sandy are going to push you to heights you never knew imaginable.

More than anything, we’re going to help you sustain the results you create.

One-on-One Session with MH Coach

We’ve been successful because we drive change fast and can see patterns

that others don’t.

You’re going to kick off your journey with a free session with a Mindful Habit Coach so you can learn about everything the program has to offer and to maximize your return on

24 Group Coaching Calls Per Month

We host 6 one hour group coaching calls that me and my team run per week – that’s 24 times a month that you can connect with your coaches and other men. I (Craig Perra) personally run 3 of these calls.

You access these calls via landline, smartphone, desktop, etc … Here you can ask questions, ask to be held accountable, share your successes and your struggles, and connect with other men.

These calls are sometimes used to discuss and work through volatile relationship issues (you need someone in your corner to give you the best advice as you navigate this minefield). Many men also find accountability partners on these calls.

Group Chat

During the coaching calls, many men connect with each other using the chat feature embedded into the best-in-class conferencing software that we use (Zoom).

This is a perfect feature for men who don’t want to talk for whatever reason or those men who can’t talk (for example, some men join the call while at work or at home with family members in the background).


We have a powerful support group moderated by our Coaches where we

answer your questions.

It’s also a place to trade notes regarding your progress with the system, ask

questions of others and share your struggles and successes.

You can post your assignments here for feedback from other men and support others

175 Page Workbook For When Things Get Tough And You’re About To Slip

To drive home the powerful learning objectives, you receive a digital copy of my 175-page workbook, the same one I send to my one on one clients.

The workbook contains a summary of the key points of each lesson and over 40 real-life exercises that you will perform to ensure that you are using the teachings to actually create change in your life.



My team and I am going to guide you step-by-step through your recovery and beyond.

I’m going to answer your personal questions and help you create and manage your own personal recovery program – I’m going to coach you – and so are the other members of my team.

Not just me, but Certified Mindful Habit® Coaches Adrian, George, Michelle and Sandy are going to push you to heights you never knew imaginable.

More than anything, we’re going to help you sustain the results you create.

One-on-One Session with MH Coach

We’ve been successful because we drive change fast and can see patterns that others don’t.

You’re going to kick off your journey with a free session with a Mindful Habit Coach so you can learn about everything the program has to offer and to maximize your return on

24 Group Coaching Calls Per Month

We host 6 one hour group coaching calls that me and my team run per week – that’s 24 times a month that you can connect with your coaches and other men. I (Craig Perra) personally run 3 of these calls.

You access these calls via landline, smartphone, desktop, etc … Here you can ask questions, ask to be held accountable, share your successes and your struggles, and connect with other men.

These calls are sometimes used to discuss and work through volatile relationship issues (you need someone in your corner to give you the best advice as you navigate this minefield). Many men also find accountability partners on these calls.

Group Chat

During the coaching calls, many men connect with each other using the chat feature embedded into the best-in-class conferencing software that we use (Zoom).

This is a perfect feature for men who don’t want to talk for whatever reason or those men who can’t talk (for example, some men join the call while at work or at home with family members in the background).


We have a powerful support group moderated by our Coaches where we answer your questions.

It’s also a place to trade notes regarding your progress with the system, ask

questions of others and share your struggles and successes.

You can post your assignments here for feedback from other men and support others

To sum it all up...

The Mindful Habit®

Online Group Coaching Program Is Designed To Help You

Break Free From Porn & Sex Habits By…

  • Transforming your powerful masculine energy and focusing it on creating a great life

  • Using metrics to eliminate compulsive behavior, accomplish goals, and drive results

  • Mastering your habit cycle and using tools to “hack” or interrupt your compulsions

  • Helping you move past historical traumas and other drivers of your compulsive behavior

  • Using your biologically hardwired triggers to drive positive actions

  • Retraining your mind to naturally and automatically eliminate those shameful urges

  • Mastering powerful mindfulness techniques to reduce compulsive cravings and increase well being

  • Creating a structured life plan to capture the life you want

  • Helping You Own Your S%!# – be accountable for your actions instead of making excuses for them

  • howing you how to control your THOUGHTS and ACTIONS

  • Creating mission critical “infrastructure” in your life to make your freedom permanent

  • Using the latest goal setting techniques to move you towards the life you want

  • Mastering your triggers and no longer be a slave to them

To sum it all up...

The Mindful Habit®

Online Group Coaching Program Is

Designed To Help You Break Free

From Porn & Sex Habits By…

  • Transforming your powerful masculine energy and focusing it on creating a great life

  • Using metrics to eliminate compulsive behavior, accomplish goals, and drive results

  • Mastering your habit cycle and using tools to “hack” or interrupt your compulsions

  • Helping you move past historical traumas and other drivers of your compulsive behavior

  • Using your biologically hardwired triggers to drive positive actions

  • Retraining your mind to naturally and automatically eliminate those shameful urges

  • Mastering powerful mindfulness techniques to reduce compulsive cravings and increase well being

  • Creating a structured life plan to capture the life you want

  • Helping You Own Your S%!# – be accountable for your actions instead of making excuses for them

  • howing you how to control your THOUGHTS and ACTIONS

  • Creating mission critical “infrastructure” in your life to make your freedom permanent

  • Using the latest goal setting techniques to move you towards the life you want

  • Mastering your triggers and no longer be a slave to them

You don’t have to leave home, spend money on counseling, wait in a waiting room, or engage with inefficient methods that don’t produce results fast...

The Mindful Habit® Group Coaching Program has everything you need to rapidly create lasting change in your life.

We guarantee 100% privacy. Your information

will not be shared.

You don’t have to leave home,

spend money on counseling, wait in

a waiting room, or engage with

inefficient methods that don’t

produce results fast...

The Mindful Habit®

Group Coaching

Program has

everything you need

to rapidly create

lasting change in

your life.

We guarantee 100% privacy.
Your information will not be shared.

Verified Client Reviews

Verified Client Reviews

frequently asked questions


For the overwhelming majority of clients who join this program, the answer is yes. The Mindful Habit® contains everything you need to break free from your compulsive behavior and create a great life. The program is intense and requires you to work so it’s best that you focus your efforts here. That being said, a few clients supplement their work with a local therapist and/or 12 Step Meetings and that’s totally fine. It’s up to you to do what works for you.


For the overwhelming majority of clients who join this program, the answer is yes. The Mindful Habit® contains everything you need to break free from your compulsive behavior and create a great life. The program is intense and requires you to work so it’s best that you focus your efforts here. That being said, a few clients supplement their work with a local therapist and/or 12 Step Meetings and that’s totally fine. It’s up to you to do what works for you.

How long do I have access to the program for?

For the overwhelming majority of clients who join this program, the answer is yes. The Mindful Habit® contains everything you need to break free from your compulsive behavior and create a great life. The program is intense and requires you to work so it’s best that you focus your efforts here. That being said, a few clients supplement their work with a local therapist and/or 12 Step Meetings and that’s totally fine. It’s up to you to do what works for you.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

frequently asked questions


For the overwhelming majority of clients who join this program, the answer is yes. The Mindful Habit® contains everything you need to break free from your compulsive behavior and create a great life. The program is intense and requires you to work so it’s best that you focus your efforts here. That being said, a few clients supplement their work with a local therapist and/or 12 Step Meetings and that’s totally fine. It’s up to you to do what works for you.


After you sign up, you will receive an email with all the information you need to login to the platform to start.


For 16 weeks you have access to the entire program including the forum, the 24 group coaching calls we host per month, the lessons, the exercises, the Mindfulness Training, and the tools. Most men purchase a monthly subscription when their initial subscription expires. We’re so proud of of the long term support that we provide.


It takes men on average 16 weeks to complete the initial formal structured training.


We recommend that you regularly participate in the group coaching calls and on the forum. These are powerful ways to keep healthy sexuality and your pursuit of a great life front and center. Lots of men continue to participate in the calls years after sign up.


Yes, we offer a 30 day unconditional no questions asked money back guarantee. We are building a powerful community of men who want change fast and this means we need men who connect with the material and want to work to change their lives. If this program isn’t for you, that’s ok. You get your money back.


You will find the system to be quite intiutive as it’s been evolving over the course of the past 3 years getting better and better.

  • Take Action

  • Get Results

  • Create Healthy Sexuality

  • Save Your Relationship

  • Build a Great Life

  • Exceed Your Potential

Copyright © 2023 The Mindful Habit

Copyright © 2023 The Mindful Habit